Osteopathy //
Osteopathy is an alternative medicine, complementary to traditional medicine. Seeing the person as a whole and not as a symptom, taking into account the vessels, nerves, musculoskeletal system and mental health of the patient, to solve their problems.
In his comprehensive approach, the osteopath treats not only the pain, but also the causes of it, the various symptoms accompanying this pain and can suggest lifestyle changes in order to eliminate as much as possible the recurrence of symptoms of this pain.
Your osteopath agrees to :
highlight any proven contraindications to treatment
search for spawn conditions or maintenance of the pathology
carry out management adapted to the patient on the basis of arguments biomechanical and clinics
include, where appropriate, a proposal for multidisciplinary work with other health professions to to optimise duration and efficacy of the treatment.
visceral therapy

Inspired by the techniques of Jean-Pierre Barral DO., the visceral manipulations aim to restore mobility to each organ, makes it regain its full functions and also allows the joints to regain their amplitudes.
Cranial therapy

The very gentle techniques aim to evaluate and improve the functioning of the central nervous system. The approach works by helping self-regulatory mechanisms dissipate the negative effects on the body of stresses of all kinds, including violent shocks.
Your appointment will last approximately 60 minutes

Pediatric osteopathy: approximately 50 minutes will be allowed for this type of appointment.
Most insurance contracts allow you to obtain at least partial reimbursement of the costs of osteopathic treatment.